Faith Perkins PIH Instructor

Presence in Healing Instructor

If we listen, our body is always communicating. Since 1999 the core of my work  has been accessing the wisdom of the body, primarily through hands-on healing and the language of touch, and also through movement, mindfulness, introspection, and meditation. All of these paths are an invitation to connect deeply with ourselves.


I believe we are all in a continual act of creation.

Over the course of developing my practice, I have had the good fortune to train with a number of gifted teachers and healers. My training includes craniosacral therapy, Myofascial Release, Integrated Awareness®, therapeutic massage, meditation, and coaching. My roots are grounded in 30 years of working with children and families in early intervention, in the joy of my family, in the incredible information from my body, and in transformative learning through chronic illness.

I believe we are all in a continual act of creation – reclaiming our inherent wholeness and choosing greater congruence in the way we manifest our lives.

For many of us, this includes taking steps in developing self-awareness gaining comfort with the multisensory aspects of being in our bodies, strengthening our sense of who we are, and connecting to our core. Often this work involves releasing early trauma. 

In my practice I offer space for these explorations, creating opportunities for individuals to connect deeply and experience multiple aspects of themselves. From this connection choice, integration and ease of expression in all aspects of self can emerge.

My practice includes teaching self-healing through sessions and classes in the healing arts; integrative bodywork; and developmental consultations. Presence in Healing is the foundation of my work, and I bring the techniques of Myofascial Release, neuromuscular treatment, craniosacral therapy, mindful conversation, subtle energy, and other healing modalities to my sessions and classes.